3 Reasons why you should buy Art online
The growth of digital channels and the rapid increase of e-commerce platforms over the last decade have caused consumer behaviors to change, with many purchasing items directly online.

Marco Battaglini, Joins ARTXIT
This July 2021 Marco Battaglini has joined Artxit. Born in Verona, Italy in 1969, Marco Battaglini is a Costa Rica based artist who masterfully blends classic and contemporary styles into postmodern pop pastiches. He studied at academies in Italy for over ten years before he began creating remarkable, iconic collections of plexiglass prints.

ARTXIT meets Stefano Tonti
We’ve met with the artist Stefano Tonti to discover some aspects of his artistic career and his relationship with the arts. The objective of this series of interviews is to let the public enter into the inner world of each artist, build a deep interesting of the artist's creative journey and connect with the artist on another level.

Art Advisory Services
Artxit Advisory Services helps private collectors, family offices and corporate clients.
Our team has over 150 years of combined experience and has worked with major institutions and first-time collectors.
We specialise in Italian Art and our advisors have been able to develop strong relationship and achieve higher result for our clients.

Interview on B-HOP Magazine
B-HOP Magazine interview our Co-Founder Eugenio Cannarsa. Dall’ambizione di condividere bellezza e dare forza e visibilità all’arte contemporanea italiana è nato Artxit, un portale che permette a chiunque di acquistare da remoto opere di artisti selezionati, provenienti da diverse regioni, in esclusiva sulla piattaforma.

Artxit & Convelio partnership
Starting in 2019, their strong desire to share the beauty and diversity of Contemporary Italian Art has positioned them as champions of Italian artists. From Graziano Spinosi and Umberto Giovannini to Patrizia Zelano and Basso Cannarsa (and many more), their online gallery is the Home of Italian Art!